
When the Tears are Happy Ones

When your child has special needs, there are a lot of hard things that come with that.  One of those “hard things” is seeing their difficulties spelled out in a report.  Seeing standardized scores is literally looking at a visual representation of your child’s struggles.

When Colin received his official autism diagnosis, just reading those numbers physically hurt my heart.  I knew he was behind.  I knew he was struggling…but to see it on paper made it real.  Official.

Two years ago, Colin was diagnosed with Level 3 Autism Spectrum Disorder.  According to the DSM-5, this is the most severe form of autism and requires very substantial support.  

I’ll never forget the exact wording:

autism spectrum disorder, requiring very substantial supports for deficits in social communication and substantial support in restricted, repetitive behaviors, with accompanying language impairment – no speech.

His prognosis was described as: Fair with intervention.  Without intervention poor. 

If that isn’t heartbreaking, then I don’t know what it is.

…but he did get intensive intervention when he started ABA about a year and half ago.  We had his six month review yesterday – and I always look forward to those meetings.  I see his progress every day, but I love getting to see his progress on paper.

This kid is amazing.  To see his progress just floors me.  To know where he was two years ago…I never would have expected this much growth in such little time.

It’s not that I didn’t believe in him, because I did.

It’s not that I didn’t hope, because I did.

I just had no idea what to expect.  I didn’t know just how far ABA would take him, but let me tell you, my expectations have been met, exceeded, and truly blown out of the water.

As I looked at his most recent testing results, I cried.  (I know you expected no less).

I cried because I was so daggone proud of this little boy.  You’re always proud of your kids, but when you know that your kid has to work ten times harder than everyone else, his victories are just a little sweeter.  
I cried because I was relieved.  Two years ago, I was terrified.   Looking back at his first assessment results brought back all of those memories.  My mind was flooded with those thoughts and feelings I had in his younger years.  Would he ever learn?  Could he learn?  I honestly didn’t know. As a concerned mama, I was drowning.  I felt like I was failing my son – I knew he needed more than I was giving him, and that’s a heavy load to bear.  It sometimes feels like those “hard years” are a distant memory.  I almost have to stop and remind myself, “Oh yeah, he used to do that…or he didn’t do that.”  He is a different kid today. 
I cried because he is defying the odds.  Autism can be scary and hard, but he is excelling and thriving.  His prognosis was fair with intervention, but I am here to tell you that he is surpassing that prediction.

I cried because I am so thankful for his ABA team.  Their hard work and dedication to his success and happiness is truly an answer to my prayers.  As his BCaBA said, “This is a life changed on paper.”  I couldn’t have said it better myself. Team Colin, you’re changing his life.  I really hope you know how much it means to our family.  Your work has set him on a new path – a journey to becoming the best possible version of himself.  In my eyes, he is a success story, and you all have been a ginormous part of that.  Without your help, he would be in a completely different place today.  You are honorary members of our family (like it or not!).

I cried because his life has been changed.  Two years ago, there were so many things he didn’t do.  So many questions and concerns and worries.  So much frustration…and lots of screaming and crying.  Today, you’d never know that he used to struggle like that.  Not that it is all rainbows and unicorns, but it is a night-and-day difference.  

I cried because I remember the days that I prayed for this. I prayed for him to communicate.  I just wanted to connect with him.  I wanted him to be happy.  I wanted him to play with his brother.  I wanted to help him, but just didn’t know what it was that he needed.  ABA has been the answer to my prayers.  After years of begging God to help him, He led us to the most amazing ABA clinic.  Our journey to these most wonderful people was not just coincidence, but divinely planned, I’m sure of it.

I cried, because I know just how blessed, fortunate, and lucky we are to have this intervention for Colin.  He is one of the few kids in our state who has access to this life-changing intervention. Fewer than 10% of the autism population here has access to ABA, and that fact isn’t lost on me.  My heart breaks to think of how many children could have the same successes if only given the opportunity. 

I know that many people believe that ABA is controversial, but good ABA? It is life-changing.  We aren’t trying to make Colin “not autistic.”  He will always have autism.  No, we are trying to help him.  Support him.  Set him up for success. Prepare him for life.  We are meeting him exactly where he is and will continue to encourage and push him to even greater feats.

Colin, you are one amazing, awesome kid. You are going to change the world, Stink.


Do You Ever Wonder What It’s Like to Have a Nonverbal Child?

Do you ever wonder what it’s like to have a nonverbal child?

If you’re a parent, think about your child.

Think back to their first words.  Those long-awaited “Mamas” and “Dadas.”

Within a few months, they’re using dozens of words.  Naming their favorite people, snacks, and toys.  Participating in social games and saying “bye-bye” when people leave.

The next thing you know, they’re putting words together.

Then come the questions:

What’s that?


Mommy!  Mommy?  Mommy?!  (“Mommy” is then multiplied by 4,000 times each day.)

Suddenly you have this little toddler who talks all day long. Questions.  Requests.  Comments.  More questions and more “Mommy’s.”

You get to hear about their favorite books and favorite tv shows.  You know about their favorite colors and favorite toys.  You have tea parties, and you know all about their stuffed animals and their thoughts too.  (Because toddlers have this gift of communicating with and interpreting for their toys, in case you didn’t know.)  You hear all about their day.  You hear them say, “I love you.”

Then they start school.  You get to hear about what they are learning and who they played with at recess.  You get to hear about their lunch and whether they liked it or not.   You get to know their thoughts and help talk through difficult things with them, like death and bullies.  You get to talk with them about the exciting things too, like new friends and fun games.  You hear about the latest trends and fads and music and….well, everything.

Now, imagine you never got to hear any of that.

No first words.

No “Mama” or “Dada.”

No “Mommy” 4,000 times a day.

No “I love you.”

You don’t get to know their favorite color or hear about their day.  You don’t get to know what they’re thinking. You know they have questions, but they can’t ask them.

Imagine a world where you lost all of that with your child.  How much would you want to know about them?  Wouldn’t you wonder about…well, everything?  That’s what it’s like having a nonverbal child.

For many parents, this is their reality.  Many never even get to hear their child’s voice.  They know their child has things to say, but they can’t talk….so their thoughts and feelings and words stay in their own minds. 

Now imagine being the child who cannot speak.  How frustrated would you feel?  How much would you wish to communicate if given the chance?

October is AAC Awareness month, and I want people to know just how life-changing AAC can be.

Pictured: iPad with PRC’s LAMP Words for Life

Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) can give a voice to those who cannot speak.  Being nonverbal doesn’t mean that you have nothing to say – it just means that you need another means by which to express it.

My son’s use of an AAC device has changed his life.  Communication is so powerful, and it opens up the world to us all.  Yes, AAC has given him the ability to communicate with us, but do you know what else?  It has given us the opportunity to get to know our son in a way that we couldn’t before.


Who Will Love Him When I’m Gone?

I had a conversation with my mom last night.  It was something that I think about every single day, but rarely say aloud.  It was a topic that – for my sanity and survival purposes – I have to push to the back of mind.  It is always there, but for now, I can’t let it dominate my thoughts or else I’d drive myself crazy with worry:

Who is going to take care of Colin when we are all gone?
If your child is typical, you plan to raise them for about 18 years.  You don’t cut ties with them by any means, but they will go on to live their own lives.  They can take care of themselves, be independent, and not really need you like they did as a small child.
My son has autism, so I don’t really know what his future holds.  We expect to be taking care of him our whole lives.  I will take care of him as long as I can.  
But what happens when I die?
He’s five.  What parent of a five year old is worrying about what will happen to their child when they die?  A parent to a child with special needs, that’s who. 
Our children need us.  To help them, protect them, keep them safe.  To make sure they’re fed.  To assure that their most basic needs are taken care of.  You wonder who will step up and do all of these things for your child, but the real question is this:  
who else will love him as much as we do?  
My mom said, “He has Finley.  Finn will take care of him.”
I think about this so often.  It is so huge to ask a sibling to care for their brother or sister when you’re unable to do it yourself.  You hope and pray that they want to, but to ask such a thing?  That is big.  
Then, we went to church this morning.  As we were walking through the parking lot, Colin took a quick little step ahead of me…Finley immediately grabbed his arm, without me even asking him to.  He held onto his arm the whole way.
When we got inside, Colin took off running up the stairs…Finley was right behind him. 
When we got up to the sanctuary, Colin started to crawl under the pew. After the prayer, I see Finley down there too…he said, “I was just trying to get Colin.”
During children’s music, Colin was sitting in the back corner seat, alone.  Finley turned around, saw him, and immediately got up and went to sit with him.
I tell him all the time, and it’s true: he is the best big brother in the wide world.  Colin has no idea how blessed he is to have such a big brother.  
People see Colin and they know that he has autism.  What they can’t see is how much his autism affects his brother.  Finley has always been an old soul, and I think it’s because God knew that he would have a great responsibility as Colin’s brother.  One days like this, I look at Finley and know – I don’t really have to worry about who will love Colin when we are gone…because his big brother already loves him that much too.  

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

My birthday was this week, and every year, Facebook shows me one of my most favorite pictures ever: 

I was 28. (and still looking young, I might add.  Oh, children who didn’t sleep for 5 years, how you’ve aged me!)

Finley was 7 months old.

I was 18 weeks pregnant with Colin.

(My husband-slash-photographer was 29…I always have to remind him that he is – and always will be – older than me.)

I remember this phase of my life.  I was showing already (second baby problems!), and many strangers had a lot to say:

“Wow.  You’re gonna have your hands full.”

“Pretty close together, don’t ya think?”

“You do know what’s causing that, don’t you?”

“Oh man, two boys?! Will you try again for a girl?”

What those people didn’t know was this:

I had suffered from infertility.

I was told that I wouldn’t be able to have babies.

We had to do fertility treatments.

Our first pregnancy was ectopic and required emergency surgery.  I had seen and heard my baby’s heartbeat before I went into surgery to terminate the pregnancy because my life was in danger.

Our IVF cycle gave us three perfect embryos.

We lost two of them.

Those were hard times for me.  Everyone had advice during our times of infertility and loss, too:

“You’re trying too hard. It will happen when you stop thinking about it.”

“You should just adopt. My neighbor’s sister’s friend’s cousin’s hairdresser adopted and got pregnant the next month.”

Then when we lost our first baby:

“It’s for the best. There was something wrong with that baby, that’s why that happened.”

“It just wasn’t meant to be.”

So to those strangers who had advice and comments for me, here’s what I want you to know:

When someone goes through infertility, it is real…and it’s real hard.  Medical issues are just that – they aren’t things easily resolved by “just adopting.” (Which, Come on, there is no “just” to adoption.  It is a big deal.)  Unless you’ve lived it, you couldn’t possibly understand, so there is probably very little you can say to “help.”

But you know what you could say?

“I’m sorry.  That must be hard.”

When someone loses a baby, no matter how far along into a pregnancy, it is awful.  They’re going to be sad, angry, frustrated, bitter….that’s normal.  Writing it off as, “not meant to be…” well, that hurts.  That was their baby.  Their loved baby.  Their missed baby.  Just know that. They’re going to be sensitive to others’ pregnancy announcements.  Know that too.  They aren’t bad people, but they are hurting.

People looked at me with a seven month old and almost five months pregnant and thought I was nuts.  Well, in all honestly, Colin was not planned at all.  I was infertile, remember?!  Yet God has a sense of humor and here he is.

Here’s the other thing that people didn’t understand:  I felt so blessed to have my perfect little baby boy.  For the longest time, I thought I’d never have a baby, so when he FINALLY came along, I was over the moon. 

Then to find out that he would in fact get to have a sibling?!  Wow.  That was awesome.  I’ll admit, I was a little scared and worried because Mr. Finley was a horrible sleeper (and Colin turned out to be even worse than his big brother).  I was exhausted and wondered how I would do this with two babies.  I knew it was going to be hard, but all the good things in life are. 

I still look at those boys now -big 6 and 5 year olds – and I’m so thankful for them.  Infertility changes you.  Infertility shaped me more than anything ever had until that point in my life. There is something about being told you’ll never have children – to then have the two most beautiful and perfect little boys ever, well, it just makes you appreciate them that much more. 

Finley & Colin

I am very open about our fertility struggles because it can feel so isolating.  I want to let others know that it’s okay – you are not alone.  I love that saying, “share you story because it will one day be a part of someone else’s survival guide.”  I wholeheartedly believe that – we need each other for the hard stuff. 

I am 1 in 8

I am 1 in 4


First Words

First words – aren’t they amazing and wonderful?!  

Hearing your child’s first words is something that every parent out there cannot wait to do.  Their sweet little voices are just music to Mama’s (and Dada’s) ears. 
So when exactly should we hear those first words?  What should they sound like?
Babbling vs. First Words

We usually hear baby’s first words around their first birthday.  Some may be a little earlier, some may be a little later – but the general “rule of thumb” is first words come around the first birthday.  
…but what about that friend who said their baby said their first word at 6 months?
I hear that one a lot, but that is babbling.
We hear babbling in young babies.  It starts with coos and goos, then we hear different vowel sounds, then some consonants come in…so what is the difference between babbling and first words?
Answer:  meaning.  
Babbling is basically sound play.  Yes, you might hear a baby say, “Mama,” but he didn’t say it with intent or meaning.  He was just playing with sounds, maybe even copying you as you said “Mama” to him (in hopes of “Mama” being his first word – you know, before “Dada!”)  He was just making sounds, though.  This is babbling.
As the baby gets older, they will attach meaning to “Mama.”  When “Mama” means – that woman who loves me, cuddles me, feeds me, I love my Mama – then yes, “Mama” is a true word.
Around the first birthday, we anticipate that most children will have 2-6 words.  Those often include “Mama,” “Dada,” and other “power words” for a baby: milk, night-night, etc. 
Many times I have asked parents, “How many words does Johnny have?” I often hear, “Oh, he doesn’t have any words yet.”  The more we talk, though, we realize that Johnny does in fact have some words.  Here is where the confusion comes in:

true words are anything that Johnny says consistently with meaning.  
It might not sound “right” to our grown up ears, but it’s a word.  Here’s an example:
Johnny has a favorite pacifier.  “Pacifier” is a really hard word, so we wouldn’t expect him to be able to say that correctly just yet.  Every time Johnny wants his favorite pacifier, he says, “Pie-pie.”  So for Johnny, this is a true word:  he’s using it consistently to mean the same thing: his pacifier.  
I’m going to let you in on a little speech language pathology secret here:  when children are this little, we aren’t really looking to “fix” their speech sounds.  We are more concerned with language.
You can pull up any developmental norms chart – I like ones like this – and see that speech sounds develop in a certain order.  Many sounds are what we call “later developing sounds,” so we would not expect a one year old to say those sounds (like R, S, or L).  At the time of “first words,” we are looking at language development.  It is 100% okay if little Johnny says “titty tat” for “kitty cat” (for a while!).
So, first comes babbling, then comes true words!  
Want more information on speech and language development?  Check out ASHA for more. 

The Day I Lost Him

*We are all home safe and sound*

As a parent, I think we all worry about losing our children in a crowded place.  As a special needs parent, we know that this could very easily be our reality…and it’s terrifying.

My worst fear became a reality this weekend.

We went to a local fun farm place this weekend.  Corn bins, hay bales, slides, and animals. The boys were having such a good time.

Then I lost Colin.

He was playing.  I was right there with him.  I put him down a slide then went back down to meet him at the bottom…another kid got out of the tube, not Colin.

I looked up, thinking I’d see him just right around me somewhere.

He wasn’t there.  I panicked.  I grabbed Finley and told him to go get Grandma, we needed her help finding Colin.

I really don’t know what I did next.  I think I just stood there, looking.  Searching.  I screamed his name a few times, knowing that was crazy because he wasn’t going to come to me regardless of how loud or how much I called out to him.

I just saw all of these people, wandering.  Playing.  I knew that I needed their help, but my mind was blank.  I didn’t know what to do.  Another mom came up to me and asked if I was okay.

I said, “No.  My son is autistic, and I can’t find him.”

She went to get a worker to help us.  I ran off.   What if he went into the corn maze?  What if he went to the parking lot?  What if….?

This just couldn’t be happening.  I watch my kid.  He runs all the time, but I’m always right behind him. I know where he is all the time.  How could he be gone? I plan.  I make back-up plans.  I survey all locations, making sure I know every entrance, every possible exit.  If he even thinks about running away, I’m right behind him.  This couldn’t be real. It was almost as if time had stopped.  My brain was working so fast, but my body just couldn’t keep up.

A woman who worked there came and took me by the arm.  She assured me that he was okay.  They’d find him.  I heard someone come over the radio and say, “I just saw that kid by the big white slides.  I have him.  He’s here.”

Lois was her name, and she walked me over to the big white slides.  It was over the hill from where I had lost him. I looked over the hill, and sure enough, there he was -just getting off of the slide.  Smiling.  Playing.  Not a care in the world.  He didn’t know that I was worried sick.  He knew where he was…he was just sliding. He was wearing his Hakuna Matata shirt, and sure enough, he was living his best “no worries” life.

I ran and grabbed him.  I cried.  Lois hugged me and assured me again that it was okay.

I want to thank Lois for getting me to my Colin and for showing such compassion when I needed it.

I want to thank all of the workers who helped us find him.  I couldn’t have done that on my own.

I want to thank the mom who saw my distress and helped me out when my brain couldn’t come up with a solid plan of action.

I want to thank the little boy who checked on Colin’s grandma, saying, “Did you find him? Is he okay?”

It’s times like this that I need a village.  These strangers stepped up and helped me find my Colin.  I hope they know just how much this meant to me and our family.

I plan to go the local Sheriff’s Department next week to get a Project Life Saver bracelet.  We need that peace of mind if this ever happens again.  I’m also looking into Angelsense, etc.  We need to know where he is all the time.

Elopement is real, and it’s scary.

I am sharing this story to help people understand the seriousness of having a child who has communication difficulties.  The dangers we face just by going out and having fun, like kids should be able to do.  To understand how vigilant we as parents must be…and even when we are, scary things can still happen.

When we got home, Finley said, “I’m so glad we found Colin and he isn’t lost.  I want our Colin always, nobody else.”

Me too, Bub.  Me too.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is awareness month for so many causes that are near and dear to me: AAC, infant and pregnancy loss, and breast cancer awareness.

Let’s start with Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

I wasn’t going to share this, but I hope that it will be a good reminder to someone out there.

In the last two years, I really let myself go.  I stopped taking care of myself.  My sole purpose in life was getting Colin the help he needed.  Making sure that Finley gets to live a “normal” life.  Working to help make money.  Keep our household running (and semi-clean).  Advocating and educating – you know, “changing the world.”

I forgot to take care of me.
Now, I’m not talking the random “spa day,” or “girls night out.”  Those are important too, but I mean the BIG stuff.  Like keeping up with my own doctor appointments.  This was just something that I put off and didn’t take the time to do.  I had more important things to do, like take care of my kids. 
Then I was diagnosed with guttate psoriasis.  It’s an auto immune disease, and it’s the most un-fun thing.  From February to April I was an itchy mess.  I couldn’t sleep because I was so miserable.  I didn’t know what I had, so I worried.  It took about four different doctor appointments to finally get a diagnosis and the proper treatment.  It finally cleared up with medication, and now I’m just in a “wait and see” period.  Hopefully I have no more flares like that again, but I just don’t know.  
I hadn’t really been to the doctor for a general checkup in years, honestly.  It just wasn’t on the top of my to-do list.  It kept getting pushed aside for other “more important” things.  I figured, “hey, I’m young.  I’m probably fine.”
Then last month, I found a lump.

 I panicked because that’s never happened to me before.  For two weeks, I worst-case-scenario-ed the situation:

What if it’s cancer?  
Will Curtis be able to do this without me?
I want to see my kids grow up.
I can’t die, Colin needs me. 


(The worry led to a small guttate flare, but thankfully some sun took care of it.)

I went for an ultrasound a few weeks ago, and it’s probably just a benign tumor.

NOT cancer.  

I go back in six months for a follow up to check the size again.
Why do I share this?
I share this to tell you: take care of yourself.  Make the appointments for yourself.  Stay on top of things for yourself.  Don’t let it go.  Don’t put it off.  Do it.  Do it right now. Don’t miss something that could drastically change your life.  
Because you need to be healthy and well if you want to be here for your kids.  Yes, Mommin’ is the most important job you’ll ever have, but if you want to do what’s best for your kids, then you have to take care of yourself.

Schedule those appointments and get checked, yo.