autism book children's book

Coming Soon! Book #2

Sneak Peek!
After some frequent encouragement (please read that as “constant badgering”) from my husband, I wrote a children’s book!
This is a little sneak peek of the main character.  His name is Artie, and he has autism.  (I am sure that you would never have guessed that in a million years.  Me.  Writing something about autism.  Shocking!)  
How perfect is he though?!  With his AAC device and blue shirt for autism awareness.  
After some not-so-spectacular encounters with uninformed humans, my desire to educate and advocate hit an all-time high.  I always want to stop everything and teach/explain/lecture when people don’t understand autism.  I thought, “how can I reach more people?” 
Write a children’s book, that’s how! 
I started to think about Finley starting school, and how many of his new classmates might not understand autism.  Children are so impressionable and understanding.  Teaching them about autism at a young age will hopefully increase their awareness and acceptance.  My hope is that, with more exposure to autism, people will be more understanding.
Stay tuned!